AftabRad Revit Add-in -> Export To Radiance -> Type of Sky/Analysis: View Analysis (EN 17037)

In the Daylight in Building EN-17037 European Standard, there are four different criteria that are discussed and asked to fulfill. One of these four is Assessment for view out.

In the A.3 Recommendations for view in the standard document, it mentions that:

View opening(s) should provide a sufficient view. If there are several openings with little distance between them, the sum of openings may be regarded as one opening.

Table A.5 gives recommendations for three levels of view out through vertical, inclined and horizontal openings. These levels depend on the horizontal sight angle, the distance to outside view, and the number of layers (content of the view).

These aspects are assessed from reference positions (see Annex C for further details). The highest view levels are specifically important for buildings for people with limited mobility.

Therefore, to do the analysis we should do the following steps.

1-      Press CalculationPointsCreation button in the AftabRad Add-in

2-      Select View Analysis (EN 17037) in the Type of Sky/Analysis

3-      By selecting the View Analysis (EN 17037), the below part will appear.

4-      To define elements or surfaces as Landscape/Urban Buildings or Ground, we have two options. One is based on selecting elements and the other is based on selecting materials


-          By checking the By Material checkbox, and clicking on the Select Landscape/Urban Buildings by Mat. or Select Ground by Mat. (depending on checking the checkbox next to the button or not), you can choose the surfaces as Landscape/Urban Buildings or Grounds by choosing materials in the ″Select Material for EN 17037 View Analysis″ page.



-          By unchecking the By Material checkbox, and clicking on the Select Landscape/Urban Buildings or Select Ground (depending on checking the checkbox next to the button or not), you can choose the surfaces as Landscape/Urban Buildings or Grounds by selecting the elements in the Revit current view


-          Regrading the view-points height recommendation in EN 17037 (under its C.4.2 Advanced verification method section), it is recommended to define the b as 1.2 m above the floor

or the standing eye level as 1.7 m above the floor, unless otherwise specified.

-          Now it is time to select calculation surfaces (if you have not selected any surfaces already). To do so, you can take a look at the following links:

5-      After selecting elements or surfaces as Landscape/Urban Buildings or Ground (and defining calculation points surfaces), you can press the OK button to continue.

6-      Now, press ExportToRadiance button in the AftabRad Add-in

7-      Select View Analysis (EN 17037) in the Type of Sky/Analysis and check the checkbox next to the Rtrace Settings button, and press the Do Export2Radiance button.

8-      Then, it asks to confirm the landscape/urban or ground elements or materials that defines the landscape/urban or ground surfaces.

9-      In the table A.5 - Assessment of the view outwards from a given position, it says that, ″for a space with room depth more than 4 m, it is recommended that the respective sum of the view opening(s) dimensions is at least 1,0 m x 1,25 m (width x height)″. So, now, it checks the windows and doors width and height and notifies if there is any of the windows and doors that cannot comply with this requirement in the current view in the model and ask if you want to exclude those windows in this assessment or not.

10-   Then, press the OK button in the rtrace Settings page.

11-   After the last step, it starts to do this analysis. So, you need to wait until the calculation is finished.

Depending on the complexity of the model such an analysis can take between a few minutes and some hours.


12-   Now, it is time to import the calculation data into Revit. Therefore, the next step is to press the importToRevit Button.

13-   In the Data2Revit page, you need to press the Open Dat File button, and choose one of the following dat files:

-          *_ viewAngle_6m_dis_Angle.dat (Horizontal sight angle for the Minimum level of recommendation for view out when the outside distance of view should be 6m)

-          *_ viewAngle_20m_dis_Angle.dat (Horizontal sight angle for the Minimum level of recommendation for view out when the outside distance of view should be 20m)

-          *_ viewAngle_50m_dis_Angle.dat (Horizontal sight angle for the Minimum level of recommendation for view out when the outside distance of view should be 50m)

-          *_viewAngle_count.dat (Number of layers to be seen from the utilized area)



14-    Press Import.